Sunday, July 13, 2008

Young swinger

I really love linguistics and especially wordplay. You know—puns, pidgin, double entendre, esoteric languages between friends. I could nerd out forever on this stuff and in fact, I do. My friend, Andy, is an eager wordplay teammate (in fact, the name of this post came from him) and we like to make up words like beleaguerent, for that variety of drunk who is displaying both the angry belligerent and the beleaguered victim at the same time. Or he might say something like, “Let’s get down to the pool so we can relaxificize ourselves!” because somehow it’s funny to make words longer than they need to be. (By the way, I learned that this process was especially rampant during the Revival days in America when attempts to describe the glory of Lord Jesus apparently necessitated the hijacking of grammar. I learned about this practice on San Diego public radio’s “Away with Words” but I cannot remember the actual word for it. Please help me out if you know what it is!)

SO, the experience I’m about to describe was such a treat for me! But first, have you heard the word "unadulterated"? Well, I looked it up and it means: pure; undiluted; without qualification, ie: milk can be described as unadulterated. But when it's used to describe fun, I have devised my own definition. I discovered the meaning of the word on a summer evening bikeride, warm flowery air at my face as I careened downhill in bare feet. Ever since that night, I have understood “unadulterated” to mean: "not tainted by the rules of the adult world; pure childlike expression." Ahhhhh...remember unadulterated, good time, butterfly in the belly fun??

Well, I babysat a 4 year old today. I am pushing this little boy on his swingset and he is having that kind of fun--laughing in a giggly, spazzy way that is part fun and part fear from the height of the swing.
He is SO HAPPY to have someone to push him on his swing!

Then he looks at me with a huge grin and big brown eyes, his arms and legs twitching with the sensation, and says, "My peepee feels exciting that you're here!" I have to ask him what he said to make sure that I heard him right and then of course I burst out laughing.

By far, my highest compliment this month! And spoken by someone blissfully unaware of the rules of adult etiquette as well as basic grammar. Unadulterated times two.


Tiffany Olson said...

this blog brought back words like "pizzarific". i remember specifically when palen and i found the pizza flavored pringles and after reading the word pizzarific on the container palen said: "that's something stephanie would say". lol!

android boswell said...

I like to think of it as making words "specialer" adding some oommph, empowerating em'.

Stephanie said...

a valid I said, you are a more worthy wordist than I, Andy! And I appreciate the altruistic sentiment in your little superhero powers in the form of suffixes and moderators.

android boswell said...

inguistegigastsca, the diallect of star eating diabolic disco mutants

we speak galaxy talk, and stars are food.

Unknown said...

"dyslexstacy" - 1.One who experiences difficulty in decoding words, spelling, and reading accurately and fluently due to ecstasy consumption. 2.Dyslexia on ecstasy.

android boswell said...

empathetic-I am so in love with it!
melted floor mop cuddle-puddle-ing music sponge.

Gado-Gado Gal said...

You're a woman after my heart. 'Frust' is one of my faves: that frustrating bit of dust that refuses to get into the dustpan as you sweep it backwords around the room. I also love redundancy in bilingualism: my Colombian boyfriend's daughter says things like 'Saturday I'm going shoppingiendo.' If you've not picked it up, the book 'Verbatim' ( and its associated journal are an entertaining read.
Hope you're well!